A lot of things happened lately...will blog them all in one post..last saturday, went to Far East Plaza with my secondary school buddies (Me Hafiz Siswand Zamir and Mubarak) for lunch. Ate at this Turkish restaurant called Anatolia. Food is nice and cheap, exactly what you want in a restaurant=nice+cheap lol! After lunch we went to Kinokuniya at Taka as Taufiq was looking for this particular music cd, but couldnt find it. After that we walked a while arnd Taka before headin back home.
Last Sunday, went out with secondary school buddies again (Me Hafiz Siswand Zuli and Atikah). Went to Noraini's hari raya open house. Oh but before that, we went pool-ing first at Kovan. As we reached noraini's house, waited a while for Zuli to arrive and then we went up together. Wani's poly friends were already there and so we met one another. After her poly friends made their move and went home, it was our turn to enjoy the food. I love the food, her mom's a really good cook (Wani jgn kembang eh? hahaha) after that, KARAOKE TIME! Firstly, let all the girls sing the songs first. The funniest thing was that when ZULI started singing, me, hafiz and siswand took a pillow each and covered our ears...haha..its a joke la Zuli...dun take it to heart k? Your voice is unique and trademark ah, the HELIUM voice...wakakaka...after that, it was my turn to sing...altho my voice wasnt in top form tt time, heck! I sang quite a number of songs...sumbang or tak sumbang i sang them all...one thing abt karaoke-ing with your friends is that, ure reluctant and shy to start, but when u sing ur first song, you get really high and wun wanna let go of ur microphone, serious, i experienced tt aledi...really looking forward to more karaoke sessions! Labas!
Juz yesterday, went out with Siswand and Taufiq to Pulau Ubin for a cycling trip. 3 of us met at Siswand's house at 9am before taking 109 to Changi Point. bought our packed lunch and headed to the terminal to tak our bumboat to Ubin. In the bumboat ride took a number of pics, upon reaching there, more pics, until we had to keep our cams in our bags when it was time to rent our bikes. Tell you, the rental rates there are so damn freakign cheap! prices range from $2 to $8 a day (not an hour. cheap ryte?) depending on the type of bike. 3 of us rented decent Raleigh mountain bikes for only $3 and off we went! We cycled around the whole of Ubin actually...visited the Chinese cemetary, NPCC Resilience Campsite (previously known as Noordin Campsite), Noordin Beach (where we had our lunch) all the discovery trails (where our bike suspensions were put to great use) and lastly all the remaining beaches there. im juz lazy to name them all..took more pics along the way...it was already 2pm and we wanted to head home...alogn the way, it rained...it wasnt heavy rain, so the 3 of us decided to enjoy it! LABAS! we cycled through the rain , passing every shelter with people in it, looking in shock what the hell were the of us were cycling in the rain for, but it was worth it, it was FUN! DMAN FUN! Im having my common test in 2 more weeks, meaning in 3 weeks we mite wanna go cycling at ubin again! (i get to shed off some weight too lah!)...it was already 3pm and we stopped by the jetty area to return our bikes and get a drink. After tt went back to mainland headed home, all tired, perspired and cold! tts what u get when ure wet, and u go up a bus with aircon in full blast...was freezign in there all the way home...hahaha...k lah..tt's all...enjoy the pics!
"Ilaa hilaastu lil Firdausi ahla, walaa aqwaa ‘alaa Naaril Jahiimi. Allah, fahablii taubatan waghfir dzunuubii, fainnaka Ghafirun dzambil ‘adziimi"
8:34 PM

Sorry for not updating my blog recently. Finally, got it over and done with. Ive settled my relationship wit her. Ive gotten my life up and going. I am now officially single. Well, been really enjoying myself lately to get rid of all my sorrows . Went for multiple Hari Raya outings with my secondary school and poly friends. Last 2 thursdays, went out with my poly friends. Went to one anothers' houses and reached home late at night. 12 plus i think.
Last saturday, went out with my secondary school buddies to one another's homes and visited our malay teachers' homes, puan norliza and cikgu jaiton. Din get to go to my house because of lack of time. Reached home at 11 that day.
Just today, went out again with my secondary school friends. Meeting place was my house. Waited for them at hougang green long john silvers before bringing them to my house. Atikah, Noraini, Siswand, Amri and Hafiz reached at 11 plus. Zuli was as usual, late, haha, nxt time ask her to come half and hour earlier. So when she realizes that she was late and when she reaches the meeting point, she's gonna be on time. Hahaha.
Slacked at my house frm 12 to 2 plus. So long huh. cos it was raining. at my house, showed my friends some stuff of mine. my childhood pics, my lab coat, lab goggles(zuli took pic with that), and listened to music until the rain subsides and bruce got back home after his filming. den we took taxi to puan ida's house. Noraini Zuli Atikah and Amri in one taxi and Me Siswand Hafiz and Mubarak in another. Hanged arnd at puan ida's house until 4 or 5 plus and we made our way to Vivo City. Since it was a saturday, its damn packed...walked around a part of Vivo. We cldnt cover all cos its frigging BIIIIIGGGG! la...den went to the rooftop garden to take pics...saw this ship also that docked at the bay...went up tt ship and took more pics...den we got down the ship and took NEL home....talked crap inside the train...haha...i alighted at hougang with zuli hafiz and mubarak. We sent Zuli home and separated with Mubarak and Hafiz.
What an outing...really enjoyed myself...my xinmin buddies...u r the BEST la!
Im gonna organise more outings for us ok?
Let's try erm....lemme figure out...
Ubin Cycling?
Btw I juz got a new phone! Sony Ericsson W850i. Waited a whole of 5 mths for that phone sia. Cos its release was delayed by a freaking 4 months!!!
Damn tired ryte nw...signing off nw bahz...meanwhile enjoy the pics...
"I'm beginning to develop feelings for you. Am I crazy or wad?"
"Ilaa hilaastu lil Firdausi ahla, walaa aqwaa ‘alaa Naaril Jahiimi. Allah, fahablii taubatan waghfir dzunuubii, fainnaka Ghafirun dzambil ‘adziimi"
12:05 AM